Diversify your workforce and I'm not talking about entry level.

Here's how you BEGIN to fix a major part of systematic oppression -

Diversify your workforce and I'm not talking about entry level.

We’ve seen all the posts about Black Lives matter from companies but what we don’t see is black and brown faces in decision making places within companies.

People are so afraid to speak about the truth. If there is no diversity amongst your hiring team and those in position of decision making, then you are culturally dominating the opinion of the company as a whole.

Your company will be closed-minded and evolve only to benefit one type of people's purpose, Yes, you can be as open and loving to everyone and still will prioritize YOU and YOURS.

Look around the room, everyone in the room with you will and if its all white people in these decision making chairs, as much as they love everyone it's only white needs that will be prioritized.

I've felt it in multiple work forces I've worked in where I've saved my white bosses ass on several occasions only to be keep in a lower title but given all the responsibilities of the higher title. Oppressors try very hard to make black women feel like they are not adequate enough for job titles. Several of my black sisters have come to me with the same regards - having the fight for the promotion they have been passed over for even though they're more than capable.

Every job I work, I try to empower those around me. You can ask any person that I have ever staffed how much I push for them to apply for better positions when they become available. Yet, my career still have setbacks, and obstacles I along have to jump through to overcome.

I've had companies promote someone who came after me, a position I'd ask for years ago, but who was doing the work while the position was empty? ME.

And then you'll have so many culturally insensitive things occur and they all look to you to do the work to fix the morale of all the people of color.

What you think the racist worker got his/her/they/them/z sense of entitlement for some reason? White people are invisible to other white people but the person of color in the room is on SPOTLIGHT.

Why are you so uncomfortable with us in the room? Why do you feel uncomfortable by what we have to say, especially when we disagree?

Can you open your eyes to see and accept another way of life that is not like your own or malicious to ANYTHING you do?

Why is it so hard for us to integrate our communities and finally work together as people, understanding, respecting our differences, accepting them and ASKING permission.

Don't do something that will be deemed malicious, don't step on our toes, don't overshadow us for positions, don't fear us for no reason, don't put your feet on our necks, don't kill our people and WE WILL GET ALONG FINE.

& To all my friends liking my green thumb posts but nothing about black lives matter or what I’ve shared about the MURDERS of innocent black people, I see you. I might even delete you, I haven’t decided yet, but don’t think you can pick and choose which aspect of my personality best suits you. It’s all of me or none of me.

To all of my friends who are doing the WORK -

Y’all follow the money! Don’t just post defunding the police forces 6 billion dollars without finding people or color, schools and foundations to donate it to! FOLLOW THE MONEY! Where is it going? How are they helping? Cause right now defunding the police force to put it in education sounds nice and all but when those resources aren’t made available to the community it was suppose to serve. We will be right back where we started...

And to those in positions of power -

Diversify EVERYTHING - age, race, sex, abilities and learn to collectively work as people.

I shouldn't have to be 30 years old for you to start taking me seriously.

I shouldn't have to be white for you to respect my right to live.

I shouldn't have to be male for me to get better pay or for my body to not be policed.

I shouldn't have to be straight for my lifestyle to be accepted.

I shouldn't have to walk to be acknowledged.

I shouldn't have to speak your language for my presence to be heard.

I shouldn't have to hide my disability.

I shouldn't feel shame for my weight or body type being different.

I shouldn't be ashamed of not having enough money.

I shouldn't fear sharing my spirituality, religion or cultural traditions.

I shouldn't feel afraid to ask the authorities for help.

I shouldn't distrust my government and politicians.

I shouldn't fear living in my truth.

I shouldn't fear accepting other people's truths. Like life can be so much better and there has to be a way.




Your Body, Your choice!