Let people live in their truth...

I've noticed a lot of talk lately about transgender people and sadly most of it is disappointing. I'm not going to push my idea onto anyone, but honestly I really want to know why people feel the need to be deeply involved in other people's personal life and truth... If someone chooses to identify as something other than their assigned sex at birth then what's it to you? Most people are sharing posts calling women "womban" or wearing pussy hats and amounting women to nothing more than their reproductive organs.

So you mean to tell me, if I, a person who's gender is the same as my assigned sex, could not give birth then that makes me less of a woman? Some people have a hard time differentiating sex from gender. Your sex is in correlation to your reproductive organs, your gender is a social construct invented to tell you how to live based on your sex. It was invented. We have been so engraved to live our parents truth that it's hard to separate from it.

There are men who are born that are more feminine than women and there are women who are more masculine than men. What they choose to identify as, or to not identify within a spectrum, is their business and their wishes should be respected and not questioned. Basic human rights begins with the ability to live in my truth and not being harassed or abused when I choose to do so.

Why can't someone identify with being something other than what other people told them they are, and why does it bother everyone else around them? The idea behind boys & girls, women in the kitchen, men working construction, liking pink and blue, being soft or hard, emotional or emotionless and gender revealing parties are social constructs meant to force us into living in boxes.

Let people live in their truth.

You don't have to agree with it but you shouldn't shame or condemn or force your ideology onto them. We need to be more supportive of our queer friends because they are at an even higher risk for malicious intent. It is ignorant to say "MY IDEA IS RIGHT" and that is not what I am saying, you can disagree with me, believe what you want, but don't tell me I HAVE to believe what you believe in because that's the way it's always been.


This is a problem that further  marginalizes Black People..


Depression isn’t a gimmick