This is a problem that further  marginalizes Black People..

Sorry to disappoint you folks, this post has absolute nothing to do about white people. Except that one line, and this line explaining that one line. But you catch my drift. This is about us, brown and black people of color and what we can do to build up our community when there are so many challenges trying to tear us down. For starters, Brown and Black men need to do a better job at protecting our women. They are being verbally, subliminally, blatantly, disrespected constantly and we don’t need any of our men adding insult to injury. 

Yes, I have your ass high on that pedestal so I expect you to do everything in your power worthy of being there, because when we are needed Black women are present. 

Today I was on the bus and this young black girl got on, her friend was waiting on a long line behind her. The girl got to a double seat and preceded to sit down while holding the seat adjacent to her for her friend. An older woman walks over to the seat, already bickering about something else rather loudly.

The girl gestured as though she was holding the seat and when the woman asked, she simply nodded and the lady preceded to the back where she found another seat. That was it. No commotion, all though the lady was a little flustered she was fine. This black man decided he did not like the fact that the young woman did not give up her seat to the older woman and he goes off, bickering at the young woman, complaining about youth and their manners, loudly chewing this young woman to pieces and taking his frustration from all the experiences he had with misguided youth on this young girl.

Now, I will never sit down and watch a young woman get disrespected especially not my young brown sister by a grown black man. So I stepped in. I said Leave her alone, she was not rude to the older woman, Elders are NOT entitled to seats in the back if she had a disability she should be sitting in the reserved seats in the front and the little girl was NOT disrespectful. So he start coming for me, talking about how I have a broken home, I need to eat and whole bunch of nonsense, so when you hear black women saying they don't feel loved, valued, protected or care for by a vast majority of men, understand it's experiences like this one that has built their resentment. We need to do better and protect our youth.

I'm tired of constantly having to explain what is not okay to say to people, especially in my presence. Now, I won't correct mistakes, and I no longer have the patience to teach adults morals. I will just make a mental note and treat you accordingly. There are no second chances, and I am no longer tolerating ignorance unless you are a child. Adults, should know better, should be better.

Non-black POC’s are also slacking. Who made you feel so comfortable with YOUR use of the word the “N” word.. You should not say it either FAM, and that goes without saying when it is in reverse. Black, brown, and white people should all refrain from perpetuating any stigmas, stop any use of racial slurs or anything that will continue in the oppression and marginalization of a race.  I know I’ve succumb to it, and didn’t realize how much you can get desensitized from words or phrases  that people were killed over. And though I believe the lack of institutionalized power from being marginalized minorities, prevents us from being racist, but it doesn’t stop us from being prejudice towards one another. 

I had an indian friend over my house once, and she sat in my backyard, drinking, sharing stories with my beautiful black sisters, and having a good time. Out of the blue, she mentions she'd gotten arrested, and goes into a long tale of her challenges in prison. Then in the same breath exclaiming she couldn't believe this happened to an Indian girl, she assumes one of us already had prior convictions. We are no longer friends.


White women can march through intersections, but their feminism can't


Let people live in their truth...