Normalize talking about sex to teenagers!

I personally think that we all need to work on building the gap between young girls and their sexuality. They should not feel ashamed for being curious about sex, and they should be taught about proper precautions against sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy preventions. (Young men and non-binary teens as well, but this is especially dedicated to young women.)

I feel like people shaming them into feeling like they're too young to even think about sex is unfair and will lead them into hiding it, refusing to talk about it, and engaging in sexually abusive acts. No they are not too young, that is the age where your hormones are out of wack, you're reaching or have reached puberty and your curiosity is spiked. Instead of shutting down the conversation and saying they're too young, open a direct line of communication, stop over sexualizing the female form and normalize sex so that the conversation isn't awkward and uncomfortable.

There is nothing to be embarassed or ashamed about. I also feel like the self love and stance against slut shaming has took a whole turn for the worse and is now promoting being promiscuous, which has its own dangers within itself. If you're a grown woman and know your risk and still want to engage with multiple partners then that is fine, it's within your right. But no way should you promote it as an act that young women who are ignorant to sexually transmitted diseases should partake in.

There is a difference between not shaming someone for their decisions, and tolerating all risky behaviors at any age. And taking power from a word meant to dehumanize you is one thing, but making women the face of "hoes, sluts, etc" is something else. We need to teach young women how to be responsible.

How to carry their own condoms and not rely solely on their male counterpart and how not to be ashamed of their bodies or exploring sexuality responsibly not just telling them it's alright girl, go ahead and be a hoe. Just my thought and if you feel some type of way, Either comment your thoughts respectfully- I'm willing to listen, or if you just want to be up in your feelings delete me.


Chains - Poem


White women can march through intersections, but their feminism can't