I wish people would take the protesting to art. I wish that they would make videos, photography, or even music. They should make it beautiful and showcase it everywhere! Instead, I am faced with so called protestors holding up signs to take selfies in the train station while chanting “No justice, no peace.”

Who exactly are you trying to disturb; the person with the bags under their eyes and swollen ankle from being on their feet all day or the justice system? What war are you fighting that will provide results if you hold up trains in the station? I have no qualms with those who protest in peace, like standing in grand central or sit-ins but seriously, holding up trains late at night? What is the end result of your actions?

The people that can actually make change don’t take the subway home, they drive or they take cabs. Police officers drive patrol cars unless it’s their duty to be inside of the trains. Not to sound self-centered but I have to work in the morning and you’re now putting my job in jeopardy.

You’re keeping mothers away from their children and keeping students up all night. My life will go on five days from now when the hype of something new and exciting has died down and you no longer want to participate protesting because your friends don’t find it cool anymore. When it’s no longer a photo opportunity and people stop liking, reposting and commenting then where will the “so-called” protestors go? Will they continue? And how is it justice to blame all officers for one’s behavior? Spitting in cops faces, cursing at them and even killing them? They do not deserve any of the animosity that is bestowed upon them. What is that going to solve? These officers are doing their jobs to put food on the table and feed their family just like everyone else.

Must we forget that when they go home late at night they hang up their uniforms just like we do? Must we forget that behind the badge they are one of us? They are our brothers, our sisters, our mothers and fathers in those uniforms. Each day they put their lives on the line to stand in between some of us as we bicker. Each night they tuck their children in, they cook on Thanksgivings, and hang up menorahs or put lights on Christmas trees. Must forget that they love, cry and bleed like the rest of us? It is just a job that they go to! Why should we treat police officers as inhumane as possible? Is it because they are undeserving of our respect just as these black men were undeserving of a life?

I’m not trying to defend cops but people need to stop blaming groups for individual’s actions. That’s how they treat us! Are we becoming the same people we’re fighting against; the ones that continue to demean our intelligence? People die every day for unjust causes, but I’m not here to spit on or belittle what happened to the unfortunate souls like Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin or Eric Garner. I’m here to say, these so called protesters that enforce violence are doing more damage than they are solving. People need to understand there are other ways to get your voice heard than being vicious. I honestly feel like this is exactly how they expected us to act and how they want us to carry on so they can go home, drink wine and laugh.

I’m not going to protest. I’m not against anyone that does, but I feel that I must focus all my energy elsewhere because what I plan to do is a lot more long term. I’m working on building my life and becoming successful so I can eat away at the stereotype that has plagued the black community. You know, the one where we’re not to be trusted, must be watched and feared. Yeah, that one. Every person that cross my path will see the good that Black women can provide. I do not, nor am I trying to, speak or represent all black women but I want the world to recognize that they need to open their eyes to the possibility that maybe what has been portrayed on the media and through the justice system about an entire ethnic group isn’t fair. We are individuals and we’re all responsible for our actions. Despite the prevailing circumstances as to whether or not they’re racist, they will understand that whatever negative cognition that has been implemented on my people is false. I will rise, and continue to over qualify, and show them I am not your stereotypes.


Life Update


Why do people hate retail?