Life Update

It’s been a while since I’ve last written a post, I think it’s well overdue. Life has been a series of chaos in the best way and I’m starting to believe that I can manifest whatever I put my mind to. We had an earthquake in New York a few days ago and I’ve never felt one before so I would say I was a little shaken up. What made me even more curious was the fact that the day before the earthquake my co-workers and I were talking about earthquakes. I kept feeling like we manifested it accidentally. That’s speaking from my ego though. I recently started a new job working as a recreation therapist for two different companies. I love the work and never have I ever worked 7 days a week before. It was a challenge, some days I’m so tired I don’t even remember falling asleep but it’s been 3 months and I’m still sticking through it.

The highlight is the work is something I truly enjoy doing. We’ve done so many different projects in the short time that I was working there. From horticulture - repotting plants, to science projects and lots and lots of music and art. I love making people feel good about their days and transitioning through end of life. You don’t have to lose the joy in life, theres still so much to do and so much to learn. My only fear is that this job doesn’t desensitize me on life. Some of my coworkers are morbid in a very sad way. These companies care more for profits from the insurance and the bodies in bed than they do the actually people like they wont end up here some day.

I like the kind old people who just make your heart melt and make the job feel worth it and I like finding ways to curb behaviors in the mean spirited old folks because they can use love too, and honestly they’re not that bad. I remember having the talk with coworker about a resident being on end of life hospice care, and they had to have a tough talk about putting a woman on DNR (do not resisitate) - the woman was frail, had cancer but still was putting up a fight to live to survive. I remember thinking of how what I would want when my time came. Having had this talk with many residents my coworker didn’t miss a beat, bat an eyelash or shed a tear it was so normalize for her. I don’t ever want that to be me. I want to feel the sadness of losing someone, I want to miss them. I remember all of my resident’s that have passed away and I still feel the love I felt when I began working with them. Until we meet again old friend.

I like to consider that I was born in the wrong era, but honestly, I’m feeling like I’m exactly where I’m suppose to be.


Life & Learning
