Life & Learning

I’ve had many epiphanies in life.

I keep having cycles of interests and then my whole life seems to be engulfed in it. This is why I have no problem believing you can accomplish whatever it is you set your mind too. Just shift your focus. If you wanted to accomplish a goal - literally write it down and create a strategy to get there. Keep that book everywhere you go and keep track of your progress.

When I was younger my goals eventually stumbled across love and that is a realm that kinda parasitically consumes your life. For years love took hold of me. I went looking for it, working for it, hurting because of it, intoxicated by its hold on me. Love was engraved into my core self. I was either always giving it, expecting and looking for it in others, and having love be of the utmost importance of my values. It was my life fulfilling purpose to love and spread love. I was blinded by its meaning, extending my efforts to ensure it, over compensating myself to please others to make sure they felt it. I couldn’t see my life without it. I feared more than anything being alone. It took repairing my heart multiple times for me to realize there’s so much more to life.

I am not saying forget about love but handle it in doses and definitely pick a time for it to be your focus and don’t get lost in it wholeheartedly. It will be hell to pry yourself away from love, before you know it you’re in relationships restraining you from reaching your highest potential because you’re focused on prolonging love.

When I first shifted my views from love I was lost, for a while I got stuck my focusing  on the trials and tributes of the world, but that space was wayyyy too negative. Although I learned a lot, it wasn’t the only perspective of life I was meant to see and besides no one wanted to hear what you think they’re morally doing wrong. Calling out injustices, stigmas kept my mind off of love but this world is too harsh to zoom in too closely to reality.

I learned a lot of the how we all come to be socially. It wasn’t until recently that my purpose shifted to knowledge. As a kid, it always excited me to learn something new. And though I was excellent at picking things up, always taking training in my careers, I never really set out to learn the things that interested me. Learned how to teach people, check, program management, check, psychology on kids, check, event planning and organizing. I know the ins and outs of systems within workforce’s. I delved deep into art skills and practicing my craft - doing photography, curating arts shows and yes this was closer to my interests than learning how to file but these were all still goals that aligned with helping mold and shape my career and entrepreneurship.

So I guess you can say this was also a period in my life where career to precedent. Now I’ve finally given myself some time to learn the things I wanted to learn. No more looking at the piano and guitar with longing, I practice daily. Whenever I have a question about life, I thoroughly research the answer. Whatever meal I loved, I practice until I perfect. My focus now is my education, and it’s my favorite. Those things I’ve always wanted to do but never actually did. Learning everything I can about myself and this world.

This opened such a whirlwind of opportunity of growth. I feel so much more grounded, I understand the mechanics of how things work a bit clearly. Someone said rewatch the same shows you watched when you were younger to get a fresher perspective. Well, I also think you should relearn some things too. Like science and technology changes so frequently the things you learned in school has long shifted and evolved and you could be out here reiterating outdated information. 


Life Update