Stop sounding white? Right?

This phrase has been engulfed in my life long before I was born, long before I even learned how to speak. It has such a history of trying to keep people of color subservient and docile. It gives power to white people, as it states that they are the only one who articulates their words and when you started to fully form your sentences, you’re trying to sound white. It is tiring.

I had an ex tell me his entire family told him he’s going to end up with a white girl, and he sure as hell tried to live up to that self-fulfilling prophecy.

When I was 18, I had a black designer tell me she only hires white models because they’ll make her designs sell. I quit, clearly her designs weren’t lit if she gotta tap into their privilege to sell it. She thought it was a smart marketing tool whereas I’m thinking we need to start raising the demand for more black models so that mindset can die.

Black people give white people too much credit. I said it, we’re both to blame for their inflated egos.

You can’t project their “superiority” then wanna get mad when they have a complex.

You give power to their bullshit privileges when you give up without even trying because you assumed they’ve already won.

You give power to their privileges when someone articulates themselves and you tell them to stop sounding white.

White people give into it when they believe it and they teach their children to believe it too.

They give in when they ignore their privileges and let it reign unchecked. Like figure out your damn mirco aggressions already and stop waiting for POCs to call you out first. 🙄

They give in when they actively use it to further plight minorities like calling the cops on people of color for living life.

They give in when they walk into any and every establishment feeling entitled to people of colors service, time, energy or even a smile.

You don’t get to cut ahead of people of color simply because you deem its white.

Get it? Deem its white.


You’ve taken all of my energy...


Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me.