You’ve taken all of my energy...

I view everyone by the energies they give to me.

Everyone you come across give to or takes from your energy. There are many different types of energies, anxious, excited, sad, happy, bored, dull, etc etc.

And the subdivision of each energy is positive and negative.

So for each there are some positive attributes, or negative connotations and some neutral.

So for example if I meet someone who is extremely happy, or hyper, I can consume some of their energy in either a positive or negative way based on my perspective and experiences throughout the day.

And it starts the moment you open your eyes. Think about it, who is the first person you see and what is your interaction with them? If they had gotten up early and had a good morning and woke up smiling to good music and food, does that sets the tone for your energy in the morning?

If you woke up and they barely said anything to you and was mad abrasive and snappy -  lets say due to lack of sleep - How would that effect your morning?

How would you greet the next person you interact with based on how you're feeling from your previous experience? You're now adding to that person energy, and taking from them.

And what if that next person happened to be your bus driver, who ends up snapping at you cause your card didn't have a swipe? What if they just beckon it's okay and let you on instead?

How do you feel now in this moment?

I realized more and more how I let other people add to my energy through each experience with an MTA agent. Whatever mood they're in sets the tone for my mornings. In passing, I could get a friendly bus driver who loves his job and is quirkily and uplifting and then my day starts off really happy. I'm smiling and noticing all the beautiful things about life.

Why is his mood shifting mine? How did the mood of the pervious person and this person effect how I am feeling now?

And I ask you this all in once because each experience can be different. You can wake up to coffee and breakfast in bed and smiling significant other then have a shitty bus driver that kicks you off and makes you late. Depending to the magnitude of the situation and exchanges of energies, depends on how big of an effect it has over your emotions.

Like there are days I walk into work and my boss has an attitude and I find myself feeling that negative energy all through out the day. And it literally seeps through my pores and I find myself more upset about things, I don't even care about.

Co workers will come to me to talk and let out their frustrations and although I wasn't upset at first, by the end of their conversation I am as heated as they were when they first started. And what's crazy is, they feel a lot better having let out their thoughts and concern!!

Beware of dumpers, people who only drop all of their negative energy onto you and don't pick any up. They don't ask you how you feel or listen to your thoughts or concerns.

That is why I'm grateful for my family. They'll come and talk to me about their frustrations, or joys or in betweens. When we're all happy and feeling fun, I feel free and light and as though nothing could stop me.You literally take on other people energies. When my friends are amped sad, and/or pissed off, I empathize and feel sorrow or anger.

Be a force of unrealistic positive energy and watch as it sorts of form your life around it. Give out love without looking for it in return and it will be given to you, and it will be yours without an expectation of it being reciprocated or given back.


Stop Abusing your kids.


Stop sounding white? Right?